About Us

Accountants / tax agents / business consulting

Our Value-Adding service means that everyone's a winner

Our Sydney Accounting practice is located in Brookvale on the Northern Beaches. We provide a management accounting service throughout the year that is designed to maximise profits and minimise taxes, delivering these outcomes through the provision of specialised strategic planning and tax planning. We have an excellent reputation for reviewing your existing personal affairs to create an environment that yields enhanced after-tax performance; whilst our ability to optimise profitability and cash-flow of your business interests has at its foundation years of successful business endeavour and results.


GradCertProfAcctng, GradDipMktg
Registered Tax Agent

Graham is a Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants (FIPA), a Fellow of the Institute of Financial Accountants (FFA),  and an Associate of the Tax Institute of Australia (ATI), as well as a Registered Tax Agent.

Additionally, Graham holds qualifications in Marketing and offers the benefit of extensive business experience in Sales & Marketing and General Management roles, having successfully managed operations with turnovers ranging from $20 million p.a. to $250 million p.a.   A meeting with Graham will not only provide you with the benefit of professional accounting and taxation advice, you will also tap into the wealth of knowledge he has accumulated over his many successful years of business management.  Can you afford not to take the time to engage Graham in conversation and to discover how much he can assist your business?  A simple ‘phone call is all it takes to test the validity of these claims!


Practice Manager

Rosa is an Associate of the Institute of Public Accountants (AIPA) and an Associate of the Institute of Financial Accountants UK (AFA).

As our Practice Manager, Rosa provides support both internally and externally to ensure that our practitioners are equipped with the administrative support necessary to achieve outcomes that deliver satisfaction to our clients. Rosa's enthusiasm for her role and care for our clients is readily identified by all who telephone or visit our office; as too is the professionalism of the service Rosa provides.